Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Effects of gloabl warming on the human environment and society

DATE: 22/07/08 TUES

In this last post, I would be sharing with you about the impacts of global warming on the environment and society we, humans live in. I find that it is interesting as this would greatly affect us and our future. Besides our homes would be in danger due to flooding as the sea water rises,more problems such as food security, human health, weather problems and all this will require a lot of time, money and manpower. Therefore, I would like to encourage everyone to do the following to help stop gloabl warming and save our future before it is too late:
  1. Turn off lights when they are not in use. Although the light bulb itself does not emit gases, the power plants that are powering it do.
  2. Whenever possible, use a fan instead of air conditioning
  3. Keep a car tuned up. When it is running properly, it emits fewer harmful gases
  4. Walk or ride a bike when it is possible
  5. Recycle. Un-recycled garbage ends up in a landfill, which produces methane. In addition, recycled goods require less energy to produce than products made from scratch.
  6. Plant trees and other plant life whenever possible. Plants take carbon dioxide out of the air and release oxygen
  7. Eat less or no beef, as beef production is a large source of greenhouse gases (methane,) as well as a large cause of deforestation.
  8. Don't burn garbage. This releases carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons into the atmosphere
  9. Whenever possible eat food cold. Heating things up wastes more energy than almost everything else.
  10. Reduce the emission of greenhouse gases is to develop non-fossil fuel energy sources by using less energy in our daily lives.

Therefore, everyone has a part to play in global warming. Below is a short video to sum up everything we learn in the past few days:

For more references, go to the following websites:

Impacts of global warming on Polar region

Causes of global warming


How will global warming affect the climate, wildlife and society


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