Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Effects of gloabl warming on the human environment and society

DATE: 22/07/08 TUES

In this last post, I would be sharing with you about the impacts of global warming on the environment and society we, humans live in. I find that it is interesting as this would greatly affect us and our future. Besides our homes would be in danger due to flooding as the sea water rises,more problems such as food security, human health, weather problems and all this will require a lot of time, money and manpower. Therefore, I would like to encourage everyone to do the following to help stop gloabl warming and save our future before it is too late:
  1. Turn off lights when they are not in use. Although the light bulb itself does not emit gases, the power plants that are powering it do.
  2. Whenever possible, use a fan instead of air conditioning
  3. Keep a car tuned up. When it is running properly, it emits fewer harmful gases
  4. Walk or ride a bike when it is possible
  5. Recycle. Un-recycled garbage ends up in a landfill, which produces methane. In addition, recycled goods require less energy to produce than products made from scratch.
  6. Plant trees and other plant life whenever possible. Plants take carbon dioxide out of the air and release oxygen
  7. Eat less or no beef, as beef production is a large source of greenhouse gases (methane,) as well as a large cause of deforestation.
  8. Don't burn garbage. This releases carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons into the atmosphere
  9. Whenever possible eat food cold. Heating things up wastes more energy than almost everything else.
  10. Reduce the emission of greenhouse gases is to develop non-fossil fuel energy sources by using less energy in our daily lives.

Therefore, everyone has a part to play in global warming. Below is a short video to sum up everything we learn in the past few days:

For more references, go to the following websites:

Impacts of global warming on Polar region

Causes of global warming


How will global warming affect the climate, wildlife and society


Impacts of global warming on wild life

DATE: 22/07/2008 TUE

As we have discussed about the more servere effect of global warming on the Polar region, I have decided to research on the impacts of global warming on wildlife, basically the natural environment like rainforests, seas, mountains and many more in this world except for the Polar Region as I have already covered that. Also, I wanted to see what is the differences between the ecosystems before and after global warming.Below is an interesting video of how global warming will affect the animals in different ecosystems, like the coral and fishes in the seas and birds and bettles and in forests:

There are even more effects on the world's ecosystems and for the last post, I would be sharing with you the impacts of global warming on our ecosystems.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Global Warming affects the climate

Date: 21/7/08 MON

I have decided to research on how gloabl warming affects the climate, as it would affect the any ecosystems.Below is a video that i have found that is quite interesting and also teach us about the climate change due to global warming:

Besides the above mentioned effects of climate change due to global warming, there are even more like a change in rainfall patterns and this would greatly affect the ecosystems and the way the animals live. Hence, in the next post, I would be researching on the impacts on wildlife, such as the sea habitats, rainforests habitats, mountains habitats and many more.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Causes of Global Warming

Date:19/7/08 SAT
I have decided to research on how global warming happen as it is a major part in my question. At first, I thought that global warming is a serious case as the whole world is doing their part to prevent or slow down the rate of global warming.However, a lot of people still refuse to help out in this and continue polluting our environmet, such as using more and more electricity and produce more and more carbon dioxide and poisonous gaeses to the atmosphere.
Below is a graph of the temperature change on Earth in the past few years

This graph shows that the temperature is increasing very rapidly due to global warming. As the temperature get higher and higher, more ice from the Polar region would melt and there would be more water in the Earth. Hence, more floods will occur at any parts of the world and in a few more years time, there would be no land for animals like us to live on as it is covered with water. The graph on the right shows the amount of ice still remained in the Polar region.

Therefore, I would encourage everyone not to waste electricity and save it as it would greatly help the environment and the world. When we waste electricity, more fossils fuels had to be burned and more carbon dioxide is produced and will harm the environment. The graph on the left show the rapid increase of total carbon dioxide emissions for three regions.Together, we can have a better future by saving the world where we live!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Impacts of global warming on the Polar Region

Date: 15/7/08 TUES

I have decided to research on the impacts and effects of global warming on the Polar Region as the Polar Region is the most greatly affected by global warming.

Below is a video I found in youtube to know more about the effect of global warming in the Polar Region:

I think that everyone should play a role in saving the earth and stop global warming, or at least slow it down, or else we would all be dead. And that is why i have to continue researching on global warming and its impacts on the earth.

Second QUESTION - does global warming affect differently in different ecosystem?

Date: 14/7/08 MON

I decided to research on my second question - does global warming affect differently in different ecosystem? I am interested in this question as this will greatly affect our lives in this world. Below is a newspaper article taken from the internet which i found it intersting and decided to work on this topic:

How Global Warming Affects the Ecosystems
Ajith Guptha
December 02, 2007

Since global warming has such a profound impact on the earth's surface and oceans, it is not surprising that it affects the ecosystems of earth. Species depend on a fairly consistent habitat in which to live. Global warming changes habitats and endangers these species.

One of the habitats already being affected by global warming is the Polar Regions. Vast amounts of ice are melting at both poles. This makes it hard for the species in these regions to survive. For instance, polar bears' habitat is altered. Where once they could swim a short distance from ice floe to ice floe, that is no longer the case.

Now, the ice floes are so far apart that many polar bears drown trying to make the swim. According to the US Geological Survey, their numbers will decrease by half in the next forty or so years. The melting polar ice cap will be too much for most polar bears to survive. Global warming will eventually lead to their extinction if left unchecked.

Global warming is pushing a reported 2000 species toward the poles. The climate becomes warmer in the habitats the plants and animals are used to. They naturally gravitate towards a cooler climate that will match the earlier climate of the region they left. They were moving at a rate of 3.8 miles per decade.

Another ice habitat being ruined by global warming is the penguins' home in Antarctica. They have been declining in number rapidly for the last 25 years. In fact, in that amount of time, 33% of the penguins are gone. The global warming melting the ice has made their habitat inhospitable to them.

Global warming may soon make alpine meadows a thing of the past. Already, in Washington's Olympic Mountains, sub-alpine forests have come in and taken over where alpine meadows once lay. In the last 60 years, species in alpine areas have moved up the mountains at a rate of 20 feet per decade. This leaves little doubt that global warming is having an impact on alpine areas.

The health of sea creatures in their habitats is also being threatened by global warming. In California, sea life is moving northward. This is a behavior designed to keep the creatures at a temperature that is most like the one they are adapted to. They naturally do this as a means of survival. When all the water is too warm, they will have nowhere to go.

Other sea creatures are being put in danger of extinction because of global warming. This happens because the extra carbon dioxide in the air mixes with the ocean water. It changes the acidity of the water.

The sea plants and animals are then in an environment for which they are not suited. If this global warming goes on, many will not be able to survive. For example, 97% of the earth's coral reefs could disappear if there is a 3.6 degree Fahrenheit rise in temperature.

The destruction of ecosystems by global warming has begun. Since all the species are needed to support each other, the whole world will suffer when species are lost. Only a concerted effort on the parts of all human beings will help the situation.

Therefore, I am keen to discover more about the ecosystem before and after the global warming, and also the causes, effects and consequences that global warming had created to different ecosystems such as the Polar Regions, rainforests, mountains, the sea and of course, our ecosystems.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

FINALLY...The differences between digestive system of omnivore, herbviore and carnivore.

Date: 9/7/08 WED

FINALLY...The day has finally come sia...I finally can answer to this question- What is the differences between the digestive system of omnivore,herbivore and carnivore? And for this, I have used dogs as an example of a pure carnivore and sheep as an example of a pure herbivore. Below is a table you can use it for further references...


lolz...dunno how to insert the table from the 4th post. It is very interesting to see the differences la... but anyway i have answered the question and off i go for the research for the second question... maybe i should rest a bit ba..nowadays too hiong le...

Human Digestion

Digestion in different animals

http://library.thinkquest.org/15873/zoo/digestive/animals.shtml http://www.kidcyber.com.au/topics/anidigestion.htm http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Anatomy_and_Physiology_of_Animals/The_Gut_and_Digestion#Herbivores

Digestion in herbivores

http://images.google.com.sg/imgres?imgurl=http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/biog105/pages/demos/105/unit6/media/cellulosedigestion.1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/biog105/pages/demos/105/unit6/dietaryadaptations.9.html&h=180&w=250&sz=13&hl=en&start=9&sig2=ucuqgo8T4c1F3YQA3WvLtg&um=1&tbnid=HcAcIuTG0SM1BM:&tbnh=80&tbnw=111&ei=9btoSOPHC4zK6gOXkInADQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dherbivore%2Bdigestive%2Bsystem%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN http://www.nhptv.org/natureworks/nwep9a.htm http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/farming/106896

Digestion in carnivore

http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/ClientED/anatomy/dog_digest.aspx http://www.answers.com/topic/digestive-system?cat=health

